Straight Talk on Culture
What is the board's influence?

Culture is a bottom-line issue
There are many reasons today's boards and leadership teams are seeking to understand their organization's culture. From individual and team effectiveness, innovation, and accountability to enterprise risk, its influence is pervasive. Once the culture is understood and evaluated, compensation plans and leadership programs can provide various opportunities to proactively influence its direction.
The Straight Talk Video Series

Why Culture Matters to the Visionary Board
Ep. 1: Culture plays a large role in the way a company is viewed in the market.

Coaching Culture from the Top
Ep. 2: It’s often not enough to simply state company values, they must also be demonstrated by senior leaders.

Culture and Accountability
Ep. 3: What questions should the board ask of management in order to ensure culture and strategy aren’t at odds?

Defining a Company’s Culture
Ep. 4: Boards can help management develop processes that align activities and choices with the corporate mission and values.

The Compensation Culture
Ep. 5: Reward systems can be tailored to support culture, leadership development, and business strategy.

Innovation and Diverse Ideas
Ep. 6: One role of the board is to help encourage a culture of innovation and diverse thinking across the organization.

Culture is a Bottom-Line Issue
Ep. 7: How and why culture directly supports corporate performance and shareholder returns.
Compensation and Engagement

Isolating Inclusion
Five questions directors can ask to assess their organization’s effectiveness in creating and realizing the benefits of an inclusive culture.

Supporting Culture Through Compensation, Recognition, and Reward Systems
NACD Blue Ribbon Commissioner David Swinford discusses the role of compensation in the 2017 BRC report “Culture as a Corporate Asset.”

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through an Engagement-Based Talent Management Strategy
A deliberate approach to talent management and compensation is crucial for companies to survive and thrive—and it should transcend economic cycles.

Business Culture and the Rewards System
Creating a culture of performance begins with people. Here’s how boards can think about reward systems to align culture and compensation.

Leadership Development, Talent Management, and the Compensation Committee
Susan Sandlund discusses urgent leadership development imperatives facing public, private, and not-for-profit boards.