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Aalap Shah

Managing Director
Fostering Executive and Employee Engagement Through Incentive Design
Selecting Performance Metrics and Establishing Goals that Align to Business Strategy and Culture
Special-Circumstance Compensation Design: IPO, Spin-Off, and M&A
Developing Compensation Structures for PE/VC-Backed Portfolio Companies
Navigating Relationship Between Boards and Management to Foster Effective Decision-Making Within the Context of Superior Corporate Governance
BS, Cornell University

Commitment to Clients

Organizations create and sustain their competitive advantage by offering a distinctive value proposition to both their customers and investors. That value proposition manifests itself in various ways—products and services, the brand, operational efficiencies, and so on. My responsibility is to craft unique compensation structures, within the context of effective corporate governance, that guarantee your organization’s people strategy will be a competitive advantage. I do this by partnering with you to dive deep and think creatively.


Aalap Shah is a managing director at Pearl Meyer. With more than 20 years of experience, Aalap advises public and privately held companies on executive compensation issues, with focus on pay governance, pay-for-performance alignment, and incentive plan design. Of particular interest is the intersection between business strategy, people strategy, and compensation strategy, believing alignment of all three is required to design effective programs.

Aalap advises clients in a variety of industries, including high-tech, healthcare, financial services, consumer products, retail, manufacturing, real estate, and media. He also consults on special compensation programs for IPO and merger and acquisition transactions.

Prior to joining Pearl Meyer in 2006, Aalap was with Mercer Human Resource Consulting, where he specialized in executive remuneration advisory services.

Aalap holds a BS degree in industrial and labor relations with a concentration in international human resource management from the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University.

Publications and Presentations By Aalap Shah

At Pearl Meyer, we work with boards and organizations to design and implement compensation and leadership strategies that build great management teams.
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