Commitment to Clients
My clients are united in their mission to use compensation design to support key strategic priorities. My clients recognize and understand that doing what everyone else is doing has never been—and never will be—an effective pay strategy. Ultimately, I believe the best compensation programs are those that align pay with performance, balance simplicity with accuracy, are quantitatively driven, incorporate decisive and seasoned business judgment, and are grounded in a company’s key business issues.
Brett A. Herand is a managing director at Pearl Meyer. Specializing in executive compensation, he works with boards and management on issues related to performance measurement and value creation, incentive plan design, and technical advisory work with respect to tax, accounting, and SEC regulatory issues. Brett works with public and private companies across many industries, including financial and diversified services, technology, and manufacturing. He has been quoted in various publications, including Workspan and Directorship magazines, Agenda, and Bloomberg.
Prior to joining Pearl Meyer in 2008, Brett spent five years in Mercer's human capital practice, working in executive remuneration. He holds a bachelor's degree in finance from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.
Publications and Presentations By Brett A. Herand

Reconsidering the Role of Performance-Based Equity

Creating Clarity in Incentive Strategy in an Uncertain Business Environment

A Time Series Analysis of Committee Chair Pay