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Showing 1-12 of 877 Results
In the News

“Next Wave” of Talent on the Engagement Agenda

"According to a recent survey from Pearl Meyer and Women Corporate Directors, 35% of boards discuss succession planning for the CEO and his or her direct reports, 20% discuss succession regarding the direct reports to the CEO’s direct reports, and 5% discuss succession planning three or more levels below the CEO."
In the News

“Zombie” Directors Continue to Haunt Boards

"There is more of a move these days for directors to give each other feedback during—or in addition to—an annual board assessment, and that can help mitigate the risk that you end up with ‘zombie’ directors in the first place," said Peter Thies, managing director.
Insights & Research
Research Report

2022 Implemented Base Salary Increases

Responses from 337 companies indicate base salary increases are higher than normal and many are planning mid-year raises.
Insights & Research
Research Report

2022 Projected Base Salary Increase

Are companies amending their previously planned merit budgets and/or offering other base pay increases for the coming year?
At Pearl Meyer, we work with boards and organizations to design and implement compensation and leadership strategies that build great management teams.
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