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Showing 25-36 of 161 Results
In the News

CEOs Have “Acute” Anxiety These Days

“Succession planning is no longer just an annual discussion,” said Peter Thies, managing director. “Directors are more and more attuned to the need for active, ongoing succession planning—not just to address an immediate situation, but also the medium and longer-term transition scenarios.”
In the News

ISS Issues Comp Policy Updates for This Proxy Season

“Companies already should have been disclosing any changes made to compensation plans in response to proxy advisors’ concerns in public filings, but the new ISS policy about disclosure in a public filing before ISS will issue a proxy alert to update its analysis is a new specificity,” said Deb Lifshey, managing director.
In the News

Board Members See Weaknesses Among First-Time Directors

“No matter how much executive experience someone has, the thing they don’t have is the knowledge of the culture and the cadence of a particular board. You need a mentor or a buddy to pick that up,” said Jan Koors, senior managing director, Pearl Meyer.
In the News
Independent Banker

Compelling Compensation and Benefits for the C-Suite

"Community banks need to consider the age and demographics of future leaders they are trying to attract and retain and design compensation based on those needs," says Karen Butcher, managing director, Pearl Meyer.
In the News
Modern Healthcare

Which Top Jobs at Health Systems Saw the Biggest Salary Increases?

“We saw inflation go through the roof, and that put pressure on executive compensation because as prices were going up, it was natural for boards to say, ‘How is this affecting the market, and what do we need to do so that we are remaining relevant?’” said Alexander Yaffe, managing director, Pearl Meyer.
In the News

Unpaid Promotions: Big Titles Without the Big Bucks

"To recognize and/or reward employees when funds are limited, companies may assign higher-ranking titles or designations that are more 'creative' and 'flashier,'" said Rebecca Toman, vice president of the survey business unit at Pearl Meyer.
In the News
The Information

Pay Falls for Many Tech Workers as the Downturn Hits Home

“In 2020 and 2021, [tech] employees were capturing that moment to win large pay increases, but now into ’23, we see the pendulum swinging in significant force back the other way,” said Aalap Shah, managing director, Pearl Meyer.”
In the News
Human Resources Director

Employers Using Job Titles to Recruit, Retain, Reward Staff

"We see the most eye-popping numbers in the significant effort to reward and retain employees through the use of titles where 37% of our respondents are ‘actively applying’ titles to retain key employees, up from 27% in 2018," said Rebecca Toman, vice president of the survey business unit at Pearl Meyer.
At Pearl Meyer, we work with boards and organizations to design and implement compensation and leadership strategies that build great management teams.
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