Showing 301-312 of 390 Results
Closing the Gender Pay Gap: The Long and Winding Road
Recent data show companies believe this is an important priority, but few have specific policies and procedures in place.
Client Alert
SEC Issues Interpretive Guidance for Investment Advisors and Proxy Advisors
Both entities must now exercise a higher level of care in voting. Here’s what this means for boards and compensation professionals.
Ask the Expert Interview
What ESG Means for Organizations and Directors
How directors can define ESG in the context of their role in an organization.
Research Report
Quick Poll: CEO Succession Planning
With increasingly complex skills requirements and an upturn in surprise exits, are companies changing their approach to CEO succession planning?
Advisor Blog
What Community Bank Compensation Committees are Asking About Incentive Plans
We answer three questions that comp committees often ask during the incentive planning process.
Advisor Blog
At Long Last, Dodd-Frank Hedging Policy Disclosure is Now Effective
A mere nine years after the Dodd-Frank Act passed, rules are in place and companies must now comply. Here is the information you need to disclose.
Good, Bad, or Indifferent? An Objective Look at Proxy Advisors
An in-depth discussion on how proxy advisors have shaped the executive pay model, for better and for worse.
Advisor Blog
Back to Basics—Ensuring Your Broad-Based Compensation Programs Work for your Bank
Four issues and ideas for banks to consider in evaluating and strengthening their pay programs.
Client Alert
ISS Releases Its 2019 Policy Survey Questionnaire
EVA to officially become part of the ISS pay-for-performance analysis; gender diversity, overboarding, and combined CEO/chair roles also get attention
Advisor Blog
Diversity Goals in Executive Compensation Plans
Will Uber’s new diversity targets in its executive compensation plan go beyond repairing their reputation and expand the composition of its workforce?
Setting the Stage for Innovation
How boards can establish governance structures that balance the risks and benefits of an innovation culture.
Building Shareholder-Focused Incentive Plans for a New Generation of Investor
Institutional investors are now focusing on non-financial drivers of long-term value creation. Is it time to include these drivers in incentive compensation?