Showing 337-348 of 877 Results
Advisor Blog
Long-Term Incentives for Credit Unions: More than SERPs
By including LTI in the total compensation mix, credit unions can better compete with banks and other financial institutions for executive talent.
Research Report
Directors, Prepare for More: Tracking, Reporting, and Incentivizing DE&I
Survey data show boards are increasingly involved in matters relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The Largest Financial Planning Perks for NEOs
“While the cleanest way for a board to set financial planning perks is to treat all NEOs the same, that is unusual because financial planning is rarely one-size-fits-all,” said Deb Lifshey, managing director at Pearl Meyer. “Due to legacy agreements, executives’ living in different jurisdictions, and various sign-on agreements, the size of financial planning perks can vary substantially between NEOs at the same company.”
More Than Simply Moving the Incentive Goal Posts: Make Sure the Relationship Between Rigor and Opportunity is Right
How banks can calibrate performance measures so they provide a critical link between stated business strategy and management’s execution.
Research Report
Looking Ahead to Executive Pay Practices in 2022
Pearl Meyer’s annual survey and analysis forecasting executive compensation trends for the coming year.
Ask the Expert Interview
The Changing Nature of Compensation
Significant new trends are taking shape that are altering how executives, at multiple levels in an organization, are rewarded.
Yahoo!, Washington Post
How to Ask for a Raise When Companies are Desperate for Workers
"You're in charge of your career," said Bill Dixon, managing director, Pearl Meyer. "Know your value and what you're worth in the marketplace, and use that information to get an equitable pay structure for you."
Goal-Setting: The Fundamentals Haven’t Changed, But Judgment Matters
How to balance an ever-evolving goal-setting and performance assessment landscape and do so while remaining firmly rooted in the fundamentals of good business management.
Advisor Blog
The COVID Crisis One Year Later: Revisiting Healthcare Board Director and CHRO Perspectives
A recap of recent conversations with healthcare leaders about emerging solutions to their organizations’ current challenges.
Client Alert
ISS and SEC Fall Roundup
Several behind the scenes policy-making items are evolving and compensation committees should be mindful of them during this fall’s planning.
Linking Strategy, Succession Planning, and Compensation
How banks can successfully embark on an alignment of their executive compensation plans and long-range talent management approach.
Business Insider
Uber, Google, and Other Tech Firms Are Radically Changing the Way They Pay Employees in Stock and it Could Mean the End of Silicon Valley's “Rest and Vest”
"Be careful during this [SPAC transaction] period that you're sizing awards and setting the exercise price on stock options in accordance with the current fair market value of the stock," said Robert James, a principal at Pearl Meyer.