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Showing 385-396 of 877 Results
In the News

Elon Musk’s 2020 Earnings Revealed—And It’s More Than All Other CEOs

“When a company makes what we call a ‘mega grant’ that is meant to cover multiple years, you’re going to have peaks and valleys in the proxy disclosures,” said Jannice Koors, senior managing director at Pearl Meyer.  “While the year of the grant will show as a big number in the summary compensation table, in following years it won’t.”
In the News

Scant Diversity Data in Human Capital Disclosures

“Publishing demographic data in SEC filings is different than publishing the same data via other avenues,” says Deb Lifshey, managing director at Pearl Meyer. “Some companies may worry that if they put it in [a filing] one year and take it out the next, people will notice—putting pressure on companies to explain why figures went down.”
In the News

How to Set Execs' Pay in SPACs without Breaking a Sweat

At certain points during the transaction, the valuation is liable to change significantly, so using outdated paperwork to calculate stock awards could be disastrous, said Robert James, a principal at Pearl Meyer.
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