Showing 553-564 of 877 Results
Bloomberg Law
A 300% Surge Makes Pot CEO Number Two in Pay Ranking
“IPO grants [to CEOs] serve two purposes—alignment with shareholders and retention, because an executive disruption at that stage can be very problematic,” noted Aalap Shah
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Biggest US Banks had Widest CEO Pay Ratios in 2018
“[The CEO Pay Ratio] is almost an arbitrary number…It’s not driving decisions about executive pay,” said Deb Lifshey.
A New Lens on CEO Succession Planning
Identify a CEO successor. It sounds like one of the board’s more straightforward duties, yet in practice, it is complex and multifaceted. When you weigh the consequences of getting it wrong, combined with the fact that even the most carefully executed succession plan introduces uncertainty, it’s clear this is one of the most strategic board deliberations.
St. Pete Catalyst
How Director Pay is Shaping up in Tampa-St. Pete
“While it’s currently uncommon for companies to provide an explanation of factors they consider when determining director pay, with increased scrutiny from ISS, that is likely to change,” said Jan Koors.
Advisor Blog
ESG: It’s Not What You Think
At the core of investor interest and scrutiny into environmental, social, and governance concerns is the long-term sustainability of an organization.
Updating the Compensation Conversation: Time to Reboot Manager Effectiveness
Money is a tough, complicated, and personal subject. Here are four steps to help managers refine their message and delivery.
Advisor Blog
A Possible Solution to Growth Biotech’s Performance-Based Equity Conundrum
Many in this sector have issues with performance-based equity—here are two potential solutions for your long-term incentive plan.
Advisor Blog
How and Why Not-For-Profit Organizations Should Review Compensation Consultant Independence
The independence of an organization’s advisor can help protect the entity in the event of an IRS challenge to “compensation reasonableness.”
The Compensation Committee’s Role in Strategic Succession Planning
Effective succession planning is more than just naming a new CEO; here’s how boards can help foster long-term leadership development.
Ten Years of Say-on-Pay Data Show Your “Against” Vote is Coming
Data highlights the potential exposure companies have to negative votes from proxy advisors. Strategic shareholder outreach can be the antidote.
Advisor Blog
Practical Nuggets for Tax-Exempt Employers
Quick tips for understanding, addressing, and complying with IRC Section 4960
The Compensation Committee Agenda for 2019: Top Five Concerns
How can boards get ahead of emerging issues? We outline five key trends that are now taking center stage and offer our recommendations for each.