Showing 577-588 of 877 Results
Culture is a Bottom-Line Issue
Ep. 7: How and why culture directly supports corporate performance and shareholder returns.
Culture and Accountability
Ep. 3: What questions should the board ask of management in order to ensure culture and strategy aren’t at odds?
The Compensation Culture
Ep. 5: Reward systems can be tailored to support culture, leadership development, and business strategy.
Why Culture Matters to the Visionary Board
Ep. 1: Culture plays a large role in the way a company is viewed in the market.
The Only Constant is Change: What New Compensation Issues Will Emerge in 2019?
We outline five key emerging topics for the compensation committee to add to its agenda for 2019.
Advisor Blog
Assessing the Need for Retention during M&A
The compensation committee will have to address a number of pay-related issues during a merger or acquisition.
The Wall Street Journal
Who Wants to Be a Ninja? Job Titles Get a Rebranding
Rebecca Toman said, “These days, firms are using titles to show you can have an impact or make a difference, especially for younger workers.”
Four Operating Principles for Developing Resilient Executive Compensation Programs
How boards can accommodate the potential for unforeseen risk in their executive pay programs.
Pearl Meyer Releases Comprehensive Research Study on CEO Pay Ratio Disclosures
Report based on data from more than 2000 public proxy filings is released at the National Association of Corporate Directors’ Global Board Leaders’ Summit
Research Report
The CEO Pay Ratio: Data and Perspectives from the 2018 Proxy Season
Pearl Meyer’s complete analysis of the initial year for CEO Pay Ratio disclosures, based on information collected by Main Data Group on more than 2000 public proxies
#Youtoo: What Boards Need to Know and Do About Gender Pay Equity
There is renewed focus on gender-based pay issues. Learn how they are defined and legislated, and the next important steps to take.
Advisor Blog
Compensation Strategies for Succession Planning
Carefully constructed compensation strategies can help develop a leadership pipeline, advance succession planning goals, and mitigate transition risk.